Enroll in Visa+ on your <issuer> app and transfer money between friends and family without sharing sensitive information. Just enter their registered mobile number.

Why Visa+?

Visa+ is here to simplify intra-GCC money transferring.

Successful transfer icon


Know your bank account number by heart? We didn’t think so. Visa+ helps you to transfer money with only a phone number.

Secure transfer icon


No more sharing sensitive information like account numbers. All you need to do is to enroll in Visa+ with a phone number.

Fast transfer icon


Just knowing you can send money to someone in the first place is key. Enrolled Visa+ users can transfer money to each other, when they use different participating banks.

Registered mobile number and financial institution required to use Visa+. 

Check with your financial institution for eligibility. 

How to enroll in Visa+

Step #1

Open your <issuer> app.

Step #2

Go to “Visa+ setting/management

Step #3

Link your Visa card to your phone number

Step #4

You are set!
Just share your phone number with friends and family to receive money with a phone number thanks to Visa+

Phone contact icon

Step #5

Sender should select recipients with Visa+ icon from a phone contact list to send money

Banks that have connected to Visa+

Alrajhi bank
BenefitPay Bahrain National E-Wallet